bonding vs. crowns

Chipping a front tooth is something that causes most people a lot of anxiety.  After all, your smile and the appearance of your teeth are one of the first things that people notice about you. Fortunately, a chipped front tooth can be repaired in a couple of ways, like bonding or using a dental crown. It ultimately depends on the size of the fracture.

Bonding For Small Chips

If you just chip off a very small amount of tooth, then we can repair it with a bonding treatment.  This procedure consists of placing a tooth-colored resin material on your tooth to fill in the missing area. Bonding typically lasts for a handful of years before needing to be replaced.

What Does The Dental Bonding Process Entail?


The dental bonding process is relatively quick and simple.  We usually don’t even need to numb your tooth to complete this procedure.

First, our Long Island dentist will apply a series of solutions to your tooth to get it ready to accept the bonding material.

Once your tooth is prepped, dried, and ready, we’ll apply the resin and mold it to the desired shape of your new tooth. After we’re satisfied with the appearance of the restoration, we’ll shine a special UV curing light over the area to harden and stick the bonding material permanently in place.

The final step is to smooth and polish your new tooth surface, ensuring that it looks great and feels good too.

Dental Crowns For Moderate to Large Chips

If you’ve lost a significant part of your tooth structure, then dental bonding won’t suffice as a repair.  The bonding will continuously break off because the structure will be under too much stress.

For moderate to large chips, a dental crown is the best repair option available.  A crown is a cover that goes over your tooth and is intended to protect it from being damaged any further.  These restorations are often made from tooth-colored porcelain, which is a strong material that can last for many years.

What is the Dental Crown Process?

Custom crowns are typically made at a dental laboratory, so the process of getting one involves two steps. At your first visit, our Suffolk County dentist will reduce the surface area of your tooth, allowing room for the restoration to slide over it entirely without making the area appear too bulky.

Once the tooth is prepped, we’ll take an impression and send it to the lab.  There, the technician will design and build your crown from the mold we provided. While we wait for the restoration to return from the lab, you’ll wear a temporary crown. At your final appointment, we’ll remove your temporary and cement the permanent one in place.

Bonding and Crowns in Long Island

If you have a chipped tooth, call Sachem Dental Group right away.  Our Long Island dentists will take a look at the damage and determine whether bonding is the solution to repairing your tooth, or if you would be better off with a crown.  Contact us today for attentive care.