cost of gum lift

As a multi-specialty general dentistry office that has served the community for over 35 years, Sachem Dental Group understands the importance of providing our patients with quality and affordable dental care. One therapeutic and cosmetic dental procedure that we are often asked about is a gum lift. Sometimes gum lifts are used for oral health purposes, while other times they serve a completely aesthetic role. Understanding the cost of gum lifts in Long Island can help you determine if this treatment is right for you.

What is a Gum Lift?

A gum lift, also known as a gingivectomy, is a cosmetic dental procedure that involves removing excess gum tissue or “gingiva” from around the teeth to make them appear longer and fuller. This can be done on one tooth or several teeth, depending on the individual’ needs. The procedure is typically done under local anesthesia, and the recovery time is relatively short.

A gum lift can be done for both cosmetic and health reasons. Some people have excessive gum tissue that covers their teeth, making them appear shorter, lopsided, or “gummy.” This can affect a person’s self-esteem and confidence, making them less likely to smile or laugh around other people. Additionally, excess gum tissue can make it difficult to clean teeth properly, leading to gum disease and other oral health problems.

Gum lifts can be an elective service for aesthetic purposes, or necessary for oral health needs, such as in instances where gingival overgrowth occurs as the result of certain prescription medications.

How Much Does a Gum Lift Cost?

The cost of a gum lift can vary depending on the extent of the type of gingivectomy procedure, additional surgical steps required (if needed,) and the location of the dental office. On average, the cost of a gum lift can range from anywhere between $500 to $3,000 per tooth, for more advanced surgical procedures. However, the only way to determine the price of gum lifts in Long Island is for our dentists to personally evaluate your unique oral anatomy and draft a customized care plan. This can be done at any routine or limited dental exam, providing you with the information you need to make an educated decision about your oral health concerns.

Will My Dental Insurance Pay for a Gum Lift?

Sometimes dental insurance will not cover the cost of a gum lift because it is considered a cosmetic procedure. However, if the gum lift is being done for health reasons, such as to treat gum disease or for crown lengthening before a “cap” is placed, then the cost may be partially or fully covered by dental insurance. It is important to check with your dental insurance provider to see if they cover the cost of a gum lift. At our Suffolk County dentist office, our treatment coordinators will connect with your insurance carrier for a breakdown of your benefits. This information allows us to calculate your estimated insurance portion and work it into your treatment plan, so that you have an idea of what your portion will be.

Is The Cost of a Gum Lift Worth It?

The decision to undergo a gum lift is a personal one and should be based on your own individual needs and smile goals. For many people, uneven or gummy smiles can affect their self-esteem, making a gum lift a life-changing inveestment. It can improve a person’s confidence and self-image, which can have a positive impact on other areas of their life. Especially when you’re confident enough to immediately begin smiling around other people, talking more at work, or posing in photographs.

From a health perspective, a gum lift can also be beneficial. Removing excess gum tissue can make it easier to care for teeth properly, which can reduce the risk of gum disease and other oral health problems. It is important to keep in mind that while a gum lift can improve the appearance of teeth, it does not improve their function. Teeth that are worn or chipped will still need to be restored with dental bonding, veneers, or crowns. Our Suffolk County dentists often pair gum lifts with crown placement, creating a larger surface area for the restorative crown to attach to during your procedure. This can increase the success rate of your crown treatment and allow you to preserve your natural tooth for a longer period of time.

A Conservative Approach to Cosmetic Dentistry and Oral Health

At Sachem Dental Group, we take a conservative approach to cosmetic dentistry and oral health. We believe in preserving as much natural tooth structure as possible and only recommend procedures that are necessary or desired by the patient. We understand that the cost of dental procedures can be a concern for many of our patients, which is why we offer a variety of financing options to make dental care more affordable. With gum lifts, you’re able to conservatively repair or enhance the appearance of your smile without any invasive adjustments to the shape of your tooth structure. No enamel is cut down, no materials are applied, and only your natural tooth is visible.

Other Things to Keep in Mind

If you are considering a gum lift, there are a few things to keep in mind. First, it is important to choose a qualified and experienced dentist who has performed the procedure before. This will ensure that the procedure is done correctly and safely. Additionally, patients should follow their dentist’s post-operative instructions carefully to ensure proper healing and reduce the risk of complications. You’ll also need to make sure the shape of your tooth is appropriate for crown lengthening or gum reduction, as we do not want to expose the tooth root during the process.

Reserve a Consultation

Long Island gum lifts are a cosmetic dental procedure that can improve the appearance of your teeth and significantly boost your confidence. Call Sachem Dental Group today to find out if this innovative aesthetic treatment is right for your smile’s needs!