do root canals hurt

When someone is told they need a root canal, they often feel hesitant. Usually, it’s

because they’ve heard horror stories about how painful root canal treatment is. The truth of the matter is that root canal therapy can be as painless to complete as any other dental procedure. And it provides thorough pain relief for abscessed teeth and toothaches.



How To Prevent Pain From a Root Canal


Before we begin your endodontic procedure we’ll place some topical numbing gel on the area to be treated and let it set for a minute. Then we’ll gently administer local anesthesia to numb the nerves of your tooth. After a few minutes, the medication will have taken full effect and we can begin your root canal without any discomfort.


The only thing that you should feel during a root canal is a bit of pressure, but never any sharp pain. Some teeth with severely infected teeth can be more difficult to get numb, so we may need to give you an antibiotic beforehand. Be sure to openly communicate with us and let us know if you feel uncomfortable.


Root Canals Relieve Tooth Pain 

When you have a toothache, it’s may be because the nerve inside of your tooth is infected. The purpose of a root canal is to remove the damaged nerve tissue from the inside of the tooth. When we do, it alleviates the source of your tooth pain and keeps it from coming back.


Extra Steps to Take (Sedation During Root Canals)

If you’re still apprehensive about having a root canal, we can offer sedation dentistry during the appointment. Sedation will help calm your nerves and allow you to have a more pleasant experience. Laughing gas is often quite helpful and there is no lingering drowsiness. Be sure to mention to our Long Island dentist ahead of time if you feel anxious or may want something to take the edge off.


Pain Relief Without a Root Canal

Still hesitant to get endodontic treatment? Unfortunately, the only way to save your tooth and get you out of pain permanently is to remove the nerve of your tooth. Antibiotics alone will not cure your problem. Medication will only reduce the amount of infection and pain that you have for a short time. Eventually, your tooth will begin to hurt again because of recurring infections seeping into the nerve.

If you don’t want a root canal done, your only other option is to completely remove the tooth. However, dental extractions lead to additional needs, including tooth replacement with a bridge or dental implant.


Root Canals in Suffolk County

Sachem Dental Group dentists are highly experienced in all aspects of dentistry including endodontic therapy. For over 35 years, Long Island families have been turning to us for gentle, effective treatments like root canals and more. Don’t let your toothache get out of control. Give us a call today to schedule a consultation. We’re always here (and happy) to help.