dental implant restorations suffolk county

Dental implants can be used to replace missing teeth, and implant restorations are the part of the dental implant that replaces the visible portion of your natural tooth. The more familiar you are with the various types of dental implant restorations, how they’re made, and how they can be used in your daily life, the more confident you’ll feel about your smile investment.


What is an Implant Restoration?

Restorations refer to the fixed material that’s used to repair, rebuild, or replace a tooth. Common dental restorations include dental fillings, inlays, crowns, and bridges. But dental implants require restorations too because the implant only makes up the “root” portion of your missing tooth replacement. You still need something above the implant, on top of your gum tissues.

The Difference Between Dental Implants and Implant Restorations

In order to understand the difference between dental implants and implant restorations, you first have to understand exactly how dental implants work. Dental implants are titanium screws that are surgically inserted into the jawbone. They act like tooth roots, providing a strong foundation for your teeth. They also stimulate bone growth, so they help prevent future bone loss.

Implant restorations are the visible, functional part of the restoration process that sits on top of dental implants. They complete the visible “tooth” part of your treatment. A person who has had implants will also need one or more implant restorations depending on how many teeth are missing. Our Long Island dentists offer implant bridges, crowns, “all on” designs such as All-on-4, and overdentures.

Types of Dental Implant Restorations

There are four common types of dental implant restorations: crowns, bridges, “All-on” systems, and removable overdentures.  All-on implants replace all your teeth using one single prosthesis, while dental bridges fill in 3-4 teeth at a time. Or more popular, dental implant crowns replace individually missing teeth by attaching to each respective dental implant. You also have the option of a removable denture that “snaps” or “clips” onto 2-4 implants for support.

Single Crowns for Individual Dental Implants

A single tooth dental implant crown is a dental restoration that is placed on top of an individual dental implant. They are commonly used when someone has an individual tooth that is missing, rather than several teeth being replaced. In order to make sure the crown fits properly, it will need to be custom made by our lab to our specifications. This process may take around two weeks and will require two visits: one for the mold of the implant abutment and one for the finished product to be installed on top of your implant.

Implant crowns are designed to blend in with your adjacent teeth, so that they feel, look, and perform like a natural part of your smile. Our Long Island dentists will carefully determine the exact shape and shade of the ceramics involved for maximum aesthetic potential.

Implant Supported Dental Bridges

A dental implant bridge is a fixed dental restoration that replaces a few missing teeth in one area of your mouth. It’s used instead of a removable partial denture. Implant bridges are restorations that are anchored to the two implants, with one on either side of the open space. Longer bridges can be used if there are additional missing teeth, but more than two dental implants will be needed to support it.

Implant bridges are an ideal restoration that prevents the need to place an implant for each missing tooth. For example, you could use only two implants for a four unit bridge, as opposed to four implants with individual crowns on each one.

“All-on” Styles of Dental Implant Restorations (i.e., “All-on-4”)

All-on-4 implants are a great option for patients who have lost all or most of their teeth. All-on-6 implants are also an option, but they are not as well known. Both of these “all on” implant restorations work similarly in that they restore all of the teeth in your upper or lower jaw at one time. The only difference between these dental implant restorations is how many dental implants our Long Island dentists use to support them.

Removable Overdentures and Implant-Supported Dentures

An overdenture is a removable denture that provides the same function as a traditional denture, only it’s stabilized with the help of dental implants. Underneath the denture base are small attachments that correspond to each dental implant abutment. Removable implant overdentures are supported by implants so that they’re more secure when eating or talking. But they’re also removable for easy cleaning and maintenance. You could think of them as a “clip in” or “snap on” prosthesis.

Depending on your bone structure and if it’s an upper or lower denture, as few as 2-4 dental implants are needed to support a removable overdenture.

A Note About Dental Implant Abutments

Every dental implant “tooth” has the parts: the dental implant, the abutment, and the fixed restoration on top of the abutment.


An abutment is a special attachment on top of your dental implants that the restoration is bonded to. They are typically made out of titanium like your dental implant, but some designs are ceramic (as in the case where ceramic implants are used.) Implant abutments are normally installed after your dental implant has fully integrated with the surrounding bone tissues. At that point, the restoration is cemented to the abutment.


Installing Your Implant Abutment

Without an abutment, it is impossible to attach an implant restoration. After your implant is fully integrated, our Long Island dentists will gently numb the gum tissue over the top of the implant to create a small opening. Once the top of the implant is accessed, the abutment is inserted into the top portion of the implant, where there is a small housing to receive the tiny screw on one end of the abutment. At that point, your dental implant can permanently support whichever type of restoration you choose to install.

Which Type of Implant Restoration is Right for Me?

There are many different types of implant restorations. Whether you are looking to replace just one tooth or all your teeth, our Long Island dentist can help you plan the best treatment for your smile’s needs. Call Sachem Dental Group today to reserve a no-obligation evaluation.