gum grafting

Soft tissue grafting, or gum grafting, has long been an important procedure in oral surgery, as it can be used to improve the looks and health of your gums, as well as add stability to your teeth. This guide on soft tissue grafting will teach you everything you need to know about soft tissue grafting (gingival grafting) performed by our Long Island dentists.

How is Soft Tissue Grafting Performed?

A gum graft is a dental procedure used to cover exposed tooth surfaces. The treatment involves using tissues from an adjacent area or donor sites to cover the exposed tooth. Gum grafting can be used for managing gingival recession, sensitivity, and after sinus lift surgery.

The gum grafting procedure is typically performed by a dentist, periodontist, or oral surgeon. Nonsurgical grafting requires little to no incisions or sutures. For a surgical graft, anesthesia is administered to numb the site of treatment. Next, incisions are made around the area of exposure so that tissue may be removed for use in covering exposed teeth. Afterward, healthy gum tissue (gingiva) is placed over the exposed tooth surface and sutured into place with stitches. The type of treatment you need will depend on which type of graft you’re getting and where it’s located.

Soft Tissue Grafting for Cosmetics

Your tooth roots are not meant to be exposed. Not only do exposed teeth pose a cosmetic concern, but they can also lead to sensitivity and other problems. Gum grafting is a common dental procedure that can help cover exposed roots and improve the overall appearance of your smile. The grafting process involves taking tissue from another part of your mouth or using a synthetic material to cover the exposed root. This procedure can be done in one or multiple sessions, depending on the extent of the recession. After the grafting is complete, you will likely need to take special care of your teeth and gums to ensure proper healing.

With proper care, you can expect your grafted area to blend in with the rest of your gum line and give you a beautiful, healthy smile.

Gum Grafting After Periodontal Disease Treatment

You may need a gum graft after periodontal disease treatment if your gums have receded or become detached from your teeth. This will help to protect your teeth and prevent further damage or attachment loss. Performing the graft will also help slow any bone resorption (shrinkage) underneath the gum tissues to further protect the stability of your tooth.

Because periodontal patients need to significantly adjust their oral hygiene plan after gum disease treatments, additional care will be needed to protect your grafted area. Aggressive brushing could cause the graft to fail, so be sure to only use light pressure and a soft or extra-soft toothbrush. Water flossing is also helpful.

Gum Grafting for Sensitive Teeth (Exposed Roots)

Exposed tooth roots are highly sensitive and at risk for cavities. Because they are not covered by a dense enamel layer, the dentin surfaces of tooth roots are extremely sensitive to temperature changes, stimuli, and oral bacteria. A gum graft protects the exposed root and reduces sensitivity, as well as lowers your risk of root surface cavities. It can also improve the appearance of your smile by covering up exposed roots.

Soft Tissue Grafting With Sinus Lift Surgery

A sinus lift is a surgical procedure that adds bone to your upper jaw in the area of your molars and premolars (teeth further back in your mouth). This procedure is important if you’re getting dental implants, as it gives them something to attach to and helps make sure that your new teeth will be stable.

In some cases, our Long Island implant dentist may recommend gum grafting at the same time as your sinus lift. Gum grafting is a way to add tissue to your existing gums and can help provide bone coverage, reduce sensitivity, and improve the look of your smile. If you’re considering dental implants, talk to our Suffolk County dentist about whether a sinus lift and gum grafting might be right for you.

Do I Need a Gum Graft/Soft Tissue Grafting?

If your gums have begun to recede, you may be wondering if you need a gum graft. Gum recession can be caused by a number of things, including brushing too hard, grinding your teeth, or past gum disease.

If your gums are receding, it’s important to see a dentist so they can determine the best course of treatment. In some cases, a gum graft may be necessary to help stop the progression of gum recession and also improve the appearance of your smile.

Recovery and Home Care After a Gum Graft

After you have a gum graft, it is important to take care of the area to allow it to heal properly. Here are some tips for recovery and home care:

  1. Keep the area clean by gently brushing and flossing around it as directed.
  2. Rinse with warm salt water or an alcohol-free antibacterial mouthwash.
  3. Eat soft foods and avoid chewing on the graft site.
  4. Apply ice to the outside of your mouth for 20 minutes at a time to reduce swelling.
  5. Take antibiotic or pain medication as prescribed.
  6. Follow up with our dentist or surgeon as directed.
  7. Avoid smoking or using tobacco products, as this can slow down healing.

Gum Graft Surgery in Long Island

Our Suffolk County dentists have extensive experience in performing this type of oral surgery. We have successfully treated patients with gingival recession, sensitivity, and other issues caused by the loss of tissue around their teeth. Our state-of-the-art facility is equipped with the latest technology and we offer a variety of treatment options to meet your individual needs.

Sachem Dental Group is committed to providing you with the highest quality of care and we will work closely with you to ensure that you are comfortable and relaxed during your treatment.

Call us today to learn more about our Long Island gum grafting treatments.