Dental appointments for children are important not only to evaluate tooth and gum health but also to educate the young patient in how to prevent dental problems and maintain a healthy smile throughout his or her life.
During a check up our Pedodontist (children’s dentist) or one of our general dentists will evaluate:
1. How many teeth are and should be present
2. Loose teeth
3. Cavities
4. Gum Health
5. Bite and Habit evaluation
6. Flouride use
7. Home Care
We will also speak with parents about how to care for the childs’ teeth and also answer any questions they may have.
We recommend that children start their dental visits when their first teeth come in, as it is important to educate the parent or guardian on how to take proper care of their child’s teeth. Moreover; the child will get accustomed to seeing the dentist and will view the dental office as a non-threatening environment.
Quite often we suggest that any children with significant dental needs see our Pedodontist. We also frequently recommend an orthodontic consultation for children.