how much implants cost in Long Island

If you are considering dental implants to restore your smile, you are in the right place. Welcome to Sachem Dental Group, where we believe in providing our patients with the best dental care and dental implant solutions in Long Island. One of the most common questions our dentists are asked is, “How much do dental implants cost in Suffolk County?” We want to shed some light on the benefits, long-term investment, insurance coverage, and financing options available if you’re considering getting implants. And most notably, how much money you can save because of your investment. Our aim is to help you make an informed decision about this life-changing dental procedure.

Dental Implants Offer a Permanent Solution


Implants help you save money in the long-term because they are a permanent solution for people with missing teeth. Unlike traditional dentures or bridges, dental implants are designed to fuse with the jawbone, providing a stable foundation for fixed prosthesis. This fusion process, known as osseointegration, ensures that dental implants offer a reliable and long-lasting solution for tooth replacement. They even delay bone loss and premature aging in your face, which are both side-effects of missing or extracted teeth.

One of the primary benefits of dental implants is their durability. With proper care and regular dental check-ups, implants have the potential to last a lifetime. This durability makes them an excellent investment for patients looking for a lasting solution to their dental concerns. On the other hand, options like dentures and bridges need to be replaced fairly routinely.

The Benefits of Dental Implants

Today’s implants are renowned for their natural look and feel. Crafted to seamlessly blend with your existing teeth, they provide an aesthetically pleasing and confident smile because they fit right alongside your other teeth. Unlike removable dentures, implants become a permanent part of your smile, allowing you to speak and eat comfortably without worrying about slipping or discomfort.

Their streamlined shape is also easier to speak with, as there’s no “plate” on the roof of your mouth.

Beyond appearance, dental implants play a vital role in maintaining oral health. When teeth are missing, the underlying jawbone tends to resorb or shrink over time. Implants, however, stimulate the bone just like natural tooth roots do, slowing or preventing bone loss and preserving facial features.

Even better, dental implants do not compromise neighboring teeth, whereas bridges require cutting down or reshaping the teeth on either side. Instead, implants stand independently of other teeth in your mouth.

At Sachem Dental Group, our experienced team of professionals is dedicated to providing personalized care and ensuring a seamless implant journey. We utilize cutting-edge technology and techniques to deliver successful outcomes with minimal discomfort.

Dental Implants Are a Long-Term Investment

While Suffolk County dental implants may seem initially more expensive than traditional tooth replacement options, their long-term benefits make them a worthwhile investment. Unlike dentures or bridges, implants reduce your risk of ongoing expenses related to maintenance and replacements.

By investing in implants, you can enjoy the peace of mind that comes with a permanent solution for your smile needs. This not only improves your oral health but also enhances your overall quality of life. The ability to eat, speak, and smile confidently without worrying about loose or ill-fitting dentures can significantly impact a both your self-esteem and wellness.

Insurance and Financing of Dental Implants


We understand that the cost of dental implants can be a significant consideration for our patients. At Sachem Dental Group, we strive to make dental implants accessible and affordable to as many people as possible.


Number of Implants, Implant Restorations, and Adjunctive Procedures

Unlike an exam or a filling, dental implant therapy is multi-faceted. Some people require one implant, while others require a bone graft first. Or maybe you need four to six implants and a full-arch hybrid restoration. Perhaps you require extractions or gum grafts before implants can be installed. Each implant procedure is unique; they are not consistent from one person to the next. With all of these changing scenarios, it impacts the total cost of dental implants for our patients; that’s why it isn’t possible to give a price quote over the phone. We have to specifically examine your mouth to determine the steps required; at that point, we can confidently tell you how much the implant treatment will cost.

Insurance Coverage


We are dedicated to making dental implants a viable option for our patients’ budgets. By working closely with your insurance coverage and providing flexible financing solutions, we can help make dental implants more accessible and affordable.

The extent of insurance coverage for dental implants varies depending on your insurance plan and the specific circumstances surrounding any dental needs. Many insurance plans offer partial coverage for dental implant treatment.

Our dedicated team at Sachem Dental Group will work with you to understand your insurance coverage and help you maximize your benefits. We will provide you with a detailed breakdown of the estimated costs and explore all possible avenues for insurance reimbursement. Our goal is to ensure that you receive the best possible coverage for your dental implant treatment without any surprise fees along the way.

Financing Options

Looking for an affordable implant payment plan? we offer various financing options to make implant treatments more accessible. Our team can discuss flexible monthly installments and financing arrangements that suit your budget and ensure you receive the dental care you deserve.

We believe that the long-term benefits of dental implants justify the initial investment. Especially given how long they last. By offering tailored financing solutions, we help alleviate added financial concerns you may have, so you can focus on your oral health.

Dental Implants at Sachem Dental Group

At Sachem Dental Group, our experienced team of multi-specialty dental providers is committed to providing exceptional care to our patients in Suffolk County and beyond. If you are considering dental implants, we invite you to schedule a consultation with one of our dentists to discuss your specific needs and determine the best treatment plan for you.

During your consultation, we will conduct a thorough examination, assess your eligibility for dental implants, and address any questions or concerns you may have. We believe in open communication and transparency, ensuring that you are well-informed about the entire dental implant process before making any decisions. At that point, we can also curate a detailed pricing plan as it relates to the cost of dental implant treatment for your unique smile needs.

Schedule Your Suffolk County Appointment Today

Take the first step towards a confident smile and improved oral health by scheduling your consultation with us today. Our team of experts is eager to meet you, discuss your dental needs, and develop a personalized treatment plan with transparent pricing. Contact us at Sachem Dental Group today to learn more!