am I a candidate for dental bridges

At Sachem Dental Group in Long Island, we understand that missing teeth can be a source of embarrassment, discomfort, and decreased oral function (affecting what you eat and how you talk.) That’s why we offer dental bridges, a popular solution for restoring a healthy, beautiful smile. But before exploring dental bridge treatment, it’s important to understand who is a good candidate for one, and the treatment process involved. As long as you fit the criteria, a dental bridge may be your best tooth replacement option in Suffolk County.

What is a Dental Bridge?

A dental bridge is a custom-made dental appliance that is used to replace one or more missing teeth. It consists of a set of functional crowns that suspend one or more artificial teeth (called pontics) between them. The crowns are attached to the remaining natural teeth or dental implants on the sides of the missing teeth. From there, the pontics fill the open gap created by the missing teeth.

Dental bridges are made of durable, tooth-colored materials, such as porcelain or ceramic, that blend seamlessly with your natural teeth.

Should I Get a Dental Bridge?

If you are missing one or more teeth, a dental bridge can help restore your smile, improve your oral function, and prevent the remaining natural teeth from shifting out of place. Bridges are also an excellent option for patients who want to avoid dentures or partial dentures. Or if you do not qualify for dental implants. However, not everyone is a good candidate for a dental bridge. Our dentist will evaluate your oral health, bite, and remaining natural teeth to determine if a bridge is the best solution for you.

Implant Bridges vs. Traditional Bridges

Traditional bridges are attached to the remaining natural teeth, while implant bridges are supported by dental implants. Both types of bridges offer durable, long-lasting results, but there are some key differences between the two. Implant bridges are a permanent solution that can last for many years with proper care. They also provide the added benefit of preserving jawbone health, which can decline after tooth loss. However, implant bridges equire a longer treatment time compared to traditional bridges, due to the implant installation process.

A traditional bridge does affect the shape and structure of the supporting teeth. However, this can be useful if those teeth could also benefit from the protection of a dental crown. Considering either end of the bridge functions like a crown, the restoration may serve a dual purpose for some of our patients.

Are My Teeth Healthy Enough for a Bridge?

Before getting a dental bridge, our Suffolk County dentist will evaluate the health of your remaining natural teeth. If any of your teeth have severe decay, gum disease, or other health problems, our dentist may recommend treating these issues and choosing another type of tooth replacement, such as a partial or implant. This is to ensure that your tooth replacement will have a solid foundation for support and to prevent further damage to your oral health.

Age Requirements for Getting a Bridge

Bridges are a suitable solution for children adults with healthy permanent teeth on either side of their missing tooth. However, it’s important to keep in mind that children’s and teens’ mouths are still growing and changing, so a bridge is not usually appropriate for younger patients.

Bridges vs. Removable Partial Dentures

Both bridges and removable partial dentures can replace missing teeth, but there are some important differences between the two. Bridges are a permanent solution that are attached to the remaining natural teeth or dental implants. Removable partial dentures are removable and are typically held in place by clasps that attach to the remaining natural teeth. Bridges offer a more natural-looking smile, improved chewing function, and preservation of jawbone health, while partial dentures are usually a less expensive option.

Treatment Process for Getting a Bridge

If you’re considering getting a dental bridge, it’s best to be aware of the treatment process involved. Your smile restoration will usually require the following steps:

            1          Consultation:

During your consultation, our dentist will evaluate your oral health, discuss your goals, and recommend the best type of bridge for your needs. They will also take dental impressions, x-rays, and photos of your teeth to create a customized treatment plan.

            2          Preparation:

If necessary, our Long Island dentist will prepare the remaining natural teeth that will support the bridge. This may involve removing some of the enamel to make room for the crowns or filling any cavities.

            3          Temporary bridge or crown:

Our dentist may place a temporary bridge to protect the prepared teeth and improve your appearance while the permanent bridge is being made at the lab.

            4          Fabrication:

The permanent bridge will be fabricated by our dental laboratory using the impressions and specifications provided by our Long Island dentist. This process typically takes about two weeks.

            5          Fitting and adjustment:

When the permanent bridge is ready, we will place it in your mouth and make any necessary adjustments to ensure a comfortable and proper fit.

            6          Bonding:

Once the final adjustments have been made, our dentist will bond the bridge to your remaining natural teeth or dental implants using a strong dental adhesive.

            7          Aftercare:

We will provide instructions on how to care for your new bridge, including information on brushing, flossing, and avoiding hard and sticky foods. You will also want to schedule follow-up appointments to monitor the health of your new bridge and ensure that it is functioning properly.

Overall, the treatment process for getting a dental bridge is relatively straightforward and typically takes about two weeks from start to finish. Our Suffolk County dentist will work with you every step of the way to ensure a comfortable, stress-free experience and a beautiful, functional new smile.

When Not to Get a Dental Bridge

If you have advanced periodontal disease, decaying teeth, or severe bone loss, your teeth may not be healthy enough to support a dental bridge. In those situations, a partial denture or some type of implant prosthesis may be a better option.

Find out if you qualify for a dental bridge in Long Island. Call Sachem Dental Group today!