cleaning around braces

When you have traditional braces on your teeth, you’ll want to make sure that you’re taking good care of them throughout the entire orthodontic treatment process. Here are some helpful tips for taking care of your traditional braces so that they last as long as possible and so that your mouth stays healthy as well.

The Importance of Good Oral Hygiene if You Have Braces

Wearing braces is a commitment. Aside from the initial investment in treatment, it’s important to be mindful of your oral hygiene practices and the time required. Braces accumulate plaque buildup too, so knowing how to keep them clean is vital. Otherwise, it’s easy to develop demineralized white spots or cavities that you won’t see until your braces come off.

Use the Best Braces Brushing Method

Brush your teeth in the morning and before bed. Ideally, an electric toothbrush is best because it provides added brush strokes that you won’t get manually. Make sure you’re brushing above all of your brackets as well as below them, paying careful attention to clean the spaces between your brackets and gum tissues.

You’ll want to come back and use an interproximal brush (“proxy brush”) to brush the areas between teeth, underneath your orthodontic wire.

Floss Every. Single. Day.

Flossing with braces is more difficult than without, but it should be done every day. There are several ways to make this job easier, including the use of a floss threader or a water flosser.

Flossing every day will ensure that food particles don’t become stuck in the spaces around your braces or between teeth. Otherwise, gingivitis and cavities will eventually develop.

Don’t Eat Chewy or Sticky Foods

Do your best to avoid sticky, hard, or chewy foods when you have braces. These types of foods can break orthodontic appliances and could get stuck between the wires or on the brackets, which might be difficult to remove.

What Happens if I Don’t Brush My Teeth Correctly?

When plaque isn’t removed effectively from around the entire orthodontic bracket, it starts to erode and etch the enamel that it’s touching. Eventually this can turn into a cavity. But in the meantime, it creates white spots or circles where the bracket is. You might not see those areas until your braces are removed, and they’re extremely difficult to correct.

What Are Some Tips on Avoiding Swollen Gums While Wearing Braces?

If your gums are tender, it usually means you have gingivitis. Brush properly for two minutes twice a day and floss daily, including cleaning under the edges of the gums next to teeth. Symptoms should reverse within two weeks.

Keep Orthodontic Wax on Hand

Always keep some orthodontic wax handy in case of a broken appliance or wire poking the inside of your mouth.

Schedule Regular Checkups at Sachem Dental

Yes, it is possible to keep your teeth and gums healthy during orthodontic treatment! The Long Island dentists at Sachem Dental can help. Reserve your next checkup or orthodontic consultation with us today.