types of dental fillings

Do you have a tooth that looks discolored? Are you experiencing dental sensitivity? You may have a cavity. If this is the case, our Long Island dentist can remove it and repair the void with a dental filling.


There are different types of fillings. The most common include tooth-colored fillings (known as composite restorations) and or silver fillings (sometimes called amalgam fillings). There are also lab fabricated porcelain or gold alloy fillings that we refer to as inlays or onlays. The kind of restoration that we place in your tooth will depend on a few factors, such as:



Personal Preferences for Dental Fillings


If you have a preference in the type of filling that you receive, we will definitely take that into consideration. Whether it’s the appearance, durability, or cost that you’re concerned with, we will find the best option for you.



Location of Tooth


If the tooth that needs to be filled is one that’s visible when you smile, it’s typical to place a tooth-colored composite restoration. However, silver fillings work well for back molars that are less noticeable.



Age of the Patient


Age isn’t typically a huge factor, but if a young child requires a filling on a tooth that isn’t fully erupted, our dentist may choose to place an amalgam since these teeth are hard to keep dry.



Cosmetic Advantages of Porcelain, Composite Dental Fillings


If appearance is a concern, then we can place a porcelain or composite filling. These materials come in a variety of different shades to coordinate with your natural tooth enamel, so matching your smile usually isn’t an issue.



Dental Fillings for Difficult to Treat Teeth


Tooth colored fillings need to stay dry in order to place them. Sometimes it’s difficult to keep a back tooth dry because the cheek gets in the way or saliva production is harder to control in the back of the mouth. In these cases, we can place a silver filling since those are fine to install in a wet environment.


If your tooth has a moderate amount of decay and you need a filling that is strong enough to support a weak tooth, then our Long Island dentist may recommend an inlay or onlay. These are restorations that are custom fabricated at a dental laboratory. The material used to create them can vary 一 some are porcelain while others are made from a gold alloy.



Dental Fillings in Long Island


The best time for us to check your teeth for decay is during your dental cleanings twice a year. But if at any time between your regular visits you suspect that you may have a cavity, don’t hesitate to come in for an exam. At Sachem Dental Group, we’re always happy to address your concerns and want to stop tooth decay in its tracks.


Haven’t had a checkup in a while? Don’t sweat it. Just give us a call and we’ll get you scheduled. It’s best to be proactive and not reactive about dental needs, so don’t wait until you have a toothache. The right time to call our Long Island dentists is now.