do i need periodontal therapy

The short answer is yes! If you have active periodontal disease, a traditional “preventative” cleaning isn’t going to be helpful. It’s important to understand the cause behind periodontal disease to see why periodontal treatment is necessary.

What is Periodontal Disease?

It is an infection and inflammation of the gums and bone that surround and support the teeth.

How do you know you have periodontitis?

There are several warning signs that should not be ignored.  Keep a watch for consistent bad breath, loose or sensitive teeth, and red, bleeding, or tender gums. It’s important to schedule regular checkups at Sachem Dental Group because the earlier signs and symptoms may not be noticeable at all.  According to the CDC, 47.2% of adults aged 30 years and older have some form of periodontal disease.  Periodontal disease often increases with age, 70.1% of adults 65 years and older have periodontal infections.

Can Gum Infections be Reversed?

Yes, early stages of gum disease that are still in the gingivitis stage can be reversed. Good home care and preventative cleanings are key.  If left untreated, the infection will become chronic, aggressive, and non-reversible.  At this point, gum disease needs to be treated and maintained to prevent further bone and tooth loss.

Treatment for Periodontal Disease

The most common treatment for gum disease is periodontal scaling and root planing, also known as “deep cleanings.” These therapies remove the deep, calcified bacteria below your gum tissues that have accumulated across the root surfaces (where gum tissues have pulled away.) By removing the bacteria, our Long Island dentists can stop the advancement of oral disease and help prevent tooth loss.

In some scenarios, periodontal surgeries may also be needed. Including bone and gum grafting to add support to affected teeth.


Why Should You Treat Gum Disease/Periodontitis?

Periodontal disease is a serious chronic inflammation in your body that can lead to systemic issues. If left untreated, gum disease increases the risk of conditions like diabetes, stroke, heart disease, pregnancy complications, rheumatoid arthritis, osteoporosis, dementia, respiratory problems, erectile dysfunction, and tooth loss.

Ultimately, your health is at risk. If you have active disease in your mouth, there’s always a chance that the bacteria can transfer into your bloodstream and airway.

What You Can Do to Improve Your Oral Health

Gum disease is preventable with good home care (including daily flossing) and routine professional dental cleanings. Our Long Island dentists will routinely evaluate your bone levels and screen for “pocketing” around teeth, where bacteria may have accumulated and infected certain areas.

With the right dental team on your side—and great brushing habits—you can keep your smile for life. But if you develop gum disease, having an experienced team of multi-specialty general dentists on your side is key. Our menu of periodontal therapies can help eliminate oral infections to both preserve teeth and improve your overall wellness.

If you’re experiencing symptoms of periodontal infection, call our Suffolk County dentists today to reserve your next dental exam.