dental bonding price

Dental bonding is a cosmetic procedure that can significantly improve the appearance of your teeth. This treatment is affordable 一 the cost of dental bonding falls in the middle to lower-end of pricing when it comes to smile makeover options in Long Island.


What is Dental Bonding?


Dental bonding is a modest cosmetic treatment that covers irregularly shaped or colored enamel. In most cases, bonding is performed on a front teeth using the same material that tooth-colored fillings are made from. This keeps the cost of dental bonding extremely modest. A variety of shades are available so we can significantly improve the appearance of your smile by using an appropriate shade to rebuild that area of your tooth. The moldable material allows us a bit of freedom to build onto your teeth to give them the ideal size and shape, covering small chips, gaps, or other surface flaws.


Cost of Dental Bonding vs. Other Cosmetic Dental Procedures


There are some cosmetic dental procedures that are more expensive than tooth bonding, and some that are more affordable. But for what you get with the cost of dental bonding, the price you’ll pay is well worth it.


For about $350 a tooth 一 depending on where you live and the size of the area that’s being treated 一 you’ll get a brighter and more uniformly shaped smile that will last for several years. Once we evaluate your teeth, our cosmetic dentist in Long Island will provide their recommendation on what should be bonded to give you optimal results. If you’re working on a budget, then let us know and we’ll be happy to find a viable treatment option for you!


Tooth Whitening Cost vs. Dental Bonding


For roughly the same price of having one tooth bonded, you can pay to have all of your teeth professionally whitened at home. However, this treatment won’t do anything to improve the size and shape of your teeth and the brighter results only last about six months before needing to be updated.


Tooth Recontouring Cost vs. Dental Bonding


Tooth recontouring allows us to smooth sharp and jagged irregularities in your smile to improve the overall appearance of your smile. We can’t straighten teeth or brighten their color with this procedure. However, the cost for this treatment is much cheaper than dental bonding and the results are permanent.


Porcelain Veneers Cost vs. Dental Bonding


Porcelain veneers are custom fabricated “tooth shells” that are permanently cemented over the front of your teeth. This procedure gives us the most aesthetic flexibility and allows us to make dramatic improvements in your smile. Veneers are more of an investment, with just one tooth costing about 3-4 times that of bonding. However, porcelain veneers typically last about 15-20 years.


How Long Does Dental Bonding Last?


Like any dental treatment, the better you care for dental bonding, the longer it will last. Ideally, you’ll benefit from this procedure for about five years before needing to update or replace it. Since the cost of dental bonding is modest, this usually isn’t a problem.


Bonding can stain and chip, so be careful not to bite your fingernails or open packages with your front teeth. Also, try not to bite into very hard foods. Red wine, black coffee, and smoking should also be avoided.


Grinding or clenching your teeth is also very risky for the longevity of your dental bonding. If you’re aware that you suffer from this habit then let our Suffolk County dentist know. We can make you a mouthguard to wear at night while you sleep 一 which is when most people clench and grind. The appliance will protect your new smile and the investment that you made in your makeover.


Does Insurance Cover Dental Bonding?


Most insurance companies won’t cover dental bonding for cosmetic purposes. However, it might for a chipped tooth. Our insurance coordinator can check on your specific benefits for you. If you need help paying for your treatment, we do offer flexible payment plans.


What Takes Place During The Dental Bonding Procedure


The dental bonding procedure is pretty simple with the exception of the intricate forming of the material, to make sure that your new smile looks pristine.


Depending on how close to the gum tissue we are working, and how much adjusting of your natural tooth is needed, we may or may not need to anesthetize the tooth being treated. Of course, if you would prefer to be numbed just let us know and we will be happy to do so!


To start, our dentist may need to contour your teeth or smooth them down some to make room for the bonding material (to prevent your tooth from looking too thick.) Once this first step is complete and the teeth are prepped for the composite, we’ll place a few solutions on the teeth: an etchant, followed by a bonding agent, then the resin material itself. The composite initially has a moldable consistency which allows us to shape it however necessary. We can make teeth longer, more square, wider, smoother, larger overall, or whatever the ideal situation calls for. Then we’ll use a special blue light to cure the composite into place.


The final step is to smooth and polish the bonding. Depending on how many teeth you’re having adjusted, you may be in and out of our office with a brand new smile within an hour, so you can enjoy your new teeth right away.



Dental Bonding in Long Island


When it comes to the appearance of your teeth, you’ll want to make sure that you put your smile in the hands of skilled, experienced cosmetic dentists. Sachem Dental Group offers multi-specialty general dentistry treatments, with a team of providers who are well experienced in cosmetic procedures.


If you’re interested in a smile makeover and what to discuss what’s possible, it’s time to visit our Suffolk County dentists for a no-obligation evaluation. We look forward to being a part of your life-changing transformation. Give us a call to schedule your cosmetic dentistry consultation today.