is fluoride treatment good for you?

 Fluoride is a natural mineral that has been used in dentistry for decades because of the number of benefits it offers both children and adults alike.



Benefits of Fluoride Treatments


The following are some of the reasons why our Long Island dentists recommend regular fluoride treatments:


Reducing Tooth Sensitivity:

  • Sugary, cold, or acidic foods and drinks are easier to tolerate when you don’t have sensitive teeth. The mineral fluoride soaks into your teeth, sealing off the tubules that absorb the things you ingest. Fluoride also hardens enamel which reduces sensitivity, since the things you consume won’t irritate the nerves inside your teeth as much.


Cavity Prevention:

  • Fluoride serves as an enamel protector, creating a stronger barrier between your tooth structure and the harsh bacteria and acids that typically break teeth down.


Remineralizing Weak Areas of Enamel:

  • If your teeth have resulted in loss of minerals due to plaque eating away at your enamel, then you’re experiencing what’s called demineralization. Demineralization will eventually lead to decay and is the first stage of cavity development. Thankfully, professional strength fluoride treatments work by bringing calcium and phosphate ions together to remineralize enamel. In other words, it’s actually helping to reverse early signs of tooth decay and strengthens your teeth by creating a denser tooth surface. If caught early enough, you can stop cavities before a hole forms in your tooth.


Healthy Tooth Development:

  • Incorporating a the right dose of fluoride into your child’s hygiene routine will give their growing teeth an adequate amount of minerals, resulting in stronger permanent teeth that are more decay-resistant as they grow older.


Preventing White Spots During Orthodontic Therapy:

  • White spots on teeth are areas of weak enamel that tend to form around orthodontic brackets. The white color is caused by enamel decalcification. This is a common side-effect in areas where plaque isn’t cleaned off regularly, which can happen when someone wears braces for a long time. Regular fluoride treatments during your orthodontic journey can help prevent white circles or spots from occurring and keep your teeth healthy.



What Kind of Fluoride Treatments Are Available?


Fluoride isn’t hard to find.  While we strongly recommend getting a professional treatment during each checkup with our Suffolk County dentist, there are plenty of ways that you can incorporate fluoride into your daily routine.



At Home Fluoride Treatments


At-home treatments can include products that you use or food and drinks that you consume.


Systemic Fluoride:

  • Systemic fluoride refers to any fluoride that you ingest. Tap or bottled water that has been treated with fluoride is a great way to get the hydration you need with the added benefit of fluoride. Certain foods also naturally contain the mineral fluoride, including grapes 一 which can be consumed as fresh grapes, wine, juice, or raisins but be careful to limit your sugar intact. Other fruits such as apples, peaches, strawberries, bananas, watermelon, and cherries are also good choices.  As are potatoes, with russet potatoes having the highest percentage of fluoride in them.



Topical Fluoride:

  • Topical fluoride refers to the use of any oral care products that contain fluoride and are applied to your teeth. They can be found in toothpaste, tooth gel, mouthwash, and even floss.



In-Office Fluoride Treatments


Professional fluoride treatments have a stronger concentration of fluoride than any systemic fluoride or over-the-counter treatment that you can purchase in a store. Professional treatments are strong enough that they are only recommended to two to four times a year.


Fluoride treatments that are available at our Long Island dentist include oral foams, rinses, and varnishes. The most popular of these is fluoride varnish which we apply to your teeth with a small brush.  The varnish forms a sticky film on your teeth which soaks into the enamel. Usually, 30 minutes to a few hours is all you need to keep the varnish in place before brushing it away.



Fluoride for Adults and Children


Fluoride is essential for the proper development of teeth. Until recently, it was common practice for children to be the only patients receiving fluoride treatments during their dental cleaning appointments.


However, this treatment is recommended and just as important for adults. Especially since professional fluoride is beneficial for people who have a high risk of tooth decay, gum recession, recurring cavities, or sensitive teeth.



Is It Possible To Get Too Much Fluoride?


As with any vitamin or mineral, it indeed possible to get too much fluoride. That’s why our Long Island dentists strongly recommend that you discuss your fluoride regimen with us before making any drastic changes.


Dental fluorosis is a condition that occurs while primary and permanent teeth are forming. It permanently affects the appearance of tooth enamel. Fluorosis presents itself as white spots on teeth. But luckily it’s just a cosmetic issue that doesn’t affect tooth function. In rare, more severe cases, discolored enamel defects like pits on the teeth may form.


Fluorosis is most likely to occur before age 8, with the most crucial timeframe being between 15 and 30 months of age. Once teeth erupt, they are no longer prone to enamel fluorosis. We suggest that parents carefully monitor their child while they brush their teeth to prevent use overuse or ingestion of fluoride.



What Is The Cost of a Professional Fluoride Treatment?


Fluoride treatment is extremely affordable. If you have dental insurance, your plan will likely cover this application in full for children up to age 14 or so.  Adults or uninsured patients can expect to pay around $30 or so. Given that fluoride treatment helps to prevent cavities, and fixing areas of severe decay can cost hundreds of dollars, receiving a simple fluoride treatment at every dental checkup is a cost-effective investment.



Get Your Professional Fluoride Treatment Today


Before starting any fluoride regimen for you or your child, be sure to discuss your options with our Suffolk County dentists. Sachem Dental Group offers a wide range of general dentistry treatment options. Call our office today to reserve an appointment.