dental crown benefits and risks

Sachem Dental Group is committed to ensuring great oral health services to families in Suffolk County. Our team of skilled professionals is dedicated to providing you with the information you need to make informed decisions about your dental care needs and treatment options.

In this comprehensive guide, we will explore the advantages and potential risks of dental crowns, a versatile restorative technique that has helped countless patients regain their smile’s integrity and appearance.


Do I Need a Dental Crown?

Dental crowns offer numerous benefits, including preserving natural teeth, providing long-lasting restoration, and improving oral health and aesthetics. Especially for teeth with significant structural damage. They offer added reinforcement from every angle, allowing you to bite and chew normally without worrying about further cracks or enamel wear.

While crowns are a reliable and effective dental treatment, it’s essential to have a thorough evaluation with one of our Long Island dentists to determine your eligibility and discuss the potential benefits and risks associated with the dental crown procedure.

How Dental Crowns Work

Dental crowns, often referred to as caps, are custom-made restorations designed to encircle and cover a damaged or weakened tooth entirely above the gumlines. They are placed over the tooth to restore its shape, size, strength, and appearance, providing excellent support and protection. Dental crowns are fabricated from various materials such as porcelain, ceramic, metal alloys, or a combination of these, and they are expertly crafted to mimic the natural look and feel of your original teeth. Most are handmade in a lab, but same-day digital crowns are also gaining popularity in some areas.

The process of getting a dental crown involves several steps. First, our Long Island dentists will assess your oral health and determine whether a crown is an appropriate solution for your oral health condition. If it is, we will prepare the tooth by removing any decayed or compromised portions and shaping it to accommodate the crown. This means prepping the tooth and reducing some of the overall structure. At that point, the tooth must remain crowned from then on out.

An impression of your prepared tooth is then taken to create a custom-made crown that will precisely fit your tooth’s new shape. During the fabrication period, a temporary crown will be placed to protect the tooth until the permanent one is ready. Finally, the custom crown is carefully bonded to the tooth; at that point, you can return to eating normal foods and flossing daily.

Risk of Temporary Crowns

Temporary crowns are not bonded in place with as strong of cement as permanent crowns, so be careful not to pull it off with sticky food or floss. The wide margin around temporary crowns will not keep food or plaque bacteria away from the tooth, so they should not be worn for extended periods.

Benefit: Dental Crowns Preserve Natural Teeth

One of the most significant advantages of dental crowns is their ability to preserve natural teeth. When a tooth is damaged due to decay, cracks, or fractures, a crown can provide the necessary support to prevent further deterioration. In situations where a large filling has weakened the tooth, a crown can protect it from fractures and potential tooth loss. By preserving the natural tooth structure, crowns offer a conservative approach to dental restoration, eliminating the need for more extensive treatments like root canals, extractions, or the need to get dental implants.

Benefit: Dental Crowns Are Long-Lasting

Another key benefit of dental crowns is their durability and longevity. With proper oral hygiene habits and routine dental check-ups, a well-maintained dental crown can last for many years. The lifespan of a crown depends on various factors, including the material used, the location of the crown in the mouth, and habits such as teeth grinding or clenching. Patients who avoid chewing on hard objects or grinding their teeth can significantly extend the life of their dental crowns. Plus, advancements in dental technology and materials (like zirconia) have enhanced the resilience and esthetics of crowns, making them a reliable and aesthetically pleasing long-term solution for dental restoration.

Who Is Eligible for Dental Crowns?

Dental crowns are a versatile treatment option suitable for a range of dental issues. Patients who may benefit from dental crowns include situations like:

Extensive Tooth Decay:

When a tooth has a large cavity that cannot be addressed with a regular filling, a crown can restore its function and appearance.

Fractured or Cracked Teeth:

Teeth that have suffered fractures or cracks due to trauma or other factors can be strengthened and protected with dental crowns.

Weakened Teeth:

Teeth that have undergone root canal treatment are often weaker and more prone to fractures in the future. A dental crown can fortify the tooth, preventing potential damage.

Cosmetic Purposes:

Crowns can be used to improve the appearance of severely discolored, misshapen, or poorly aligned teeth, providing a more harmonious smile. Especially when dental veneers are not appropriate.

Replacing Large Fillings:

Crowns are an excellent solution when a tooth has a large filling that needs replacement, as they can better support and protect the tooth.

Dental Implants:

Dental crowns are the visible part of dental implant restorations that you see whenever you smile. They are placed on top of the implant post above the gumlines.


Cost of Getting Dental Crowns

The cost of dental crowns in Long Island can vary depending on factors such as the material used or the complexity of the dental procedure. While dental crowns may require an initial investment, they are a long-term investment in your oral health and overall well-being and limit your need for more extensive treatments later on. Dental insurance may partially cover the cost of crowns, so it’s essential to review your insurance policy or discuss payment options with our Long Island dental team at your initial exam.

Schedule Your Sachem Dental Group Appointment Today

At Sachem Dental Group, we’re passionate about delivering exceptional care in Suffolk County. Our experienced and caring providers are committed to providing you with the highest standard of dental treatment, ensuring your oral health and radiant smile for years to come. Contact us today to reserve your dental crown consultation.