Am I a candidate for dental crowns (Long Island)

Have you ever had to chew food on one side of your mouth? Broken teeth and tooth pain can make eating difficult, or even impossible. Dental crowns replace the tooth and make it function normally.

Our crowns cover the entire surface of the tooth above the gum line and are only made from porcelain or ceramic materials. We ensure that they look great, and function just like a natural tooth. Crowns can be used anywhere in the mouth, as long as they are strong enough for daily use without looking artificial.

Crowns can be used for missing or damaged teeth including:

  • Root canal treatment was performed
  • Very large fillings or cavities
  • Fractures and severe damage
  • There is little healthy enamel that can support a filling

To restore normal function, a crown can be placed on top of a tooth. Crowns distribute chewing and biting forces evenly over the tooth to preserve the remaining tooth structure, which is otherwise unaffected by normal use.

Crowns for Large Cavities

If you have a cavity we can fill it in and remove any decayed parts. However, fillings require enough tooth structure to remain secure. If a filling is placed in a severely damaged tooth, it’s easy to take out a large tooth filling or to have it fall out. If this happens, it could lead to enamel loss.

If you have advanced cavities, crowns are a great way to extend the life of your teeth. We often recommend crowns for serious cavities or to replace an old filling. That way, you don’t need to worry about having to remove a tooth.

Tooth Wear and Severe Fractures

If your tooth is showing signs of wear, staining, or fracture, a crown can not only strengthen your teeth but also correct cosmetic problems. Matching ceramic or porcelain blends are used to make the restorations.

Sometimes it’s impossible to repair damaged or decayed teeth. Instead, a prosthetic tooth must be placed in place of the tooth. If a tooth has been severely damaged or decayed, a dental crown can save the tooth. They protect the enamel underneath and allow the tooth’s function to return to normal.

Teeth with severe wear or fractures have weakened beyond being able to withstand normal chewing force and biting forces. Crowns are a cap that covers the entire tooth, and it prevents damage from occurring, and helps to restore strength and integrity. Crowns are shaped and shaded to match the smile of the patient and look exactly like natural teeth.

Once your tooth is healthy, we’ll trim the tooth until there is enough structure. We will also trim around each side to make it shorter. It is important to allow enough space for the crown to fit over the tooth while still aligning the crown with the rest.

After Endodontic (Root Canal) Therapy

After a root canal is completed, the tooth becomes vulnerable. The enamel becomes more fragile and is more susceptible to cracking. Sachem Dental Group recommends that every endodontically treated tooth has a complete crown. After a root canal procedure, you can place a crown to protect and preserve your tooth. It will last many years and be free from any complications.

How Long Does it Take to Get Dental Implants in Long Island?

When all the ducks are in a row, your crown can be completed in just one to two visits. Sachem Dental Group can make permanent, same-day crowns in our office. This allows us to place your permanent crown in one visit and usually takes around two to three hours.

The process used to be broken down into two visits. The first took about 90 minutes, and it involved preparing your tooth, taking impressions of your mouth, then sending the mold to a dental laboratory for a technician to make your crown. Once the crown was complete, you would be asked to return for another appointment to have the crown fitted. The second appointment usually takes around 30 minutes, and it doesn’t include the back-and-forth travel time.

We do most same-day crowns in Suffolk County these days, but it is sometimes more beneficial to use the traditional method, depending on the situation.

Crowns For Dental Implants?

Implants can be an alternative treatment option for those who are missing teeth. Implants look and feel just like a tooth root. Implants are placed in bone close to the affected teeth. Then, the implant is then fused to the bone, just like a natural tooth root.

Implant failures are very rare. They have the highest success rates of all dental restorations.

After the implant has been placed, Sachem Dental Group’s dentists bond or glue a permanent crown to it. A porcelain or ceramic crown will usually be used for a single missing tooth. Our in-house implant providers can help you get the specialized treatment that you need to restore your smile.

Caring for Dental Crowns

To ensure it lasts for years, your crown should be taken care of properly. As you brush your teeth, floss around the crown daily. Make sure you see Sachem Dental Group twice a year to have preventive care visits — this will allow us to monitor the health and integrity both of your crown as well as the rest of the smile.

Dental Crowns in Suffolk, County

The crown procedure usually requires two visits. First, our Suffolk County dentist will prepare the tooth and take an impression. Then, a temporary crown will then be attached to the tooth. A custom-made crown will then be created to match your smile that completely covers the affected tooth. For permanent bonding, you will be able to return to your forever crown within 2 to 3 weeks.

Why risk saving a tooth when you can restore it with a beautiful, long-lasting crown? Sachem Dental Group provides complete crown services in our modern dental clinic. There is no need to travel. Unless it’s a special case, all of our crown treatments are designed and made in our facility. To learn more about crowns and other services, we invite you to book a consultation. We can help you strengthen your smile.