Our smile makeover dentist in Long Island is highly skilled in giving Suffolk county patient’s the beautiful teeth they’ve always wanted.  Whether you’re having porcelain veneers, bonding, a whitening treatment, or braces to straighten your teeth ー there are both benefits and risks to any smile makeover treatment.

smile makeover benefits and risks


Benefits of A Smile Makeover


The following are some of the benefits that come with getting a smile makeover:

Straight Teeth

Having straight teeth is one of the main reasons that patients decide to undergo cosmetic treatment.  There are several different options available that can help you achieve this look. For example, braces, bonding, and porcelain veneers.


A Brighter Smile

Additionally, a brighter smile without stains is another result that most prospective patients seek.  Some procedures can give you this result temporarily, while others leave a longer-lasting effect.

Builds Confidence

Once you have straight, bright-colored teeth you’ll enjoy smiling because you’ll no longer be embarrassed about the appearance of your teeth, but instead you’ll have the confidence that you’ve always longed for.


Easier To Maintain A Healthy Smile

When your teeth are straight, cleaning them is much easier, meaning that you’ll be able to maintain a healthier smile. Cavities will be less likely to form, and gum disease or infections like gingivitis can be avoided as well.

How Others Perceive You

Though it’s something that you may not want to admit, many of us judge people based on their appearance.  A smile and the condition of one’s teeth can have a great effect on how people perceive each other. When you have a beautiful smile with bright, straight teeth more people will be drawn to you, both in your personal and professional life. You may be given opportunities that you would have never been considered for in the past.



Risks of A Smile Makeover


Though there are many benefits to getting a smile makeover, some of these treatments do come with their risks. For example, some patients may experience the following:


Tooth sensitivity Teeth whitening products can often make teeth hypersensitive to cold temperatures.  Drinking refrigerated beverages, eating frozen foods, or even breathing in the cold, brisk air can cause a twinge in your teeth.

Typically, cold sensitivity is a side effect that will go away on its own over time.  A few weeks is a normal timeframe in which to experience this discomfort.

In the meantime, our dentist can recommend some products that can be applied to your teeth to reduce the amount of sensitivity that you experience.

Decalcification from braces Brackets accumulate plaque very easily and if not cleaned off properly, the enamel of your teeth will weaken ー leaving visible bright, white spots on the surface, that you will only see once your braces have been removed. Decalcification is very difficult to treat and often the look is permanent.

Decay around braces Decalcification makes your teeth more porous and if you’re not on top of your oral hygiene routine then your enamel will continue to weaken and eventually, you’ll develop cavities around your brackets.

Our dental hygienists can show you some tips and recommend some products like a water flosser, as well as special picks and brushes that will help you keep your teeth healthy while in braces. Proper and regular use of them will hopefully prevent you from having to deal with any of these negative effects.

Porcelain veneers can chip and break Though they are very strong, it’s possible to break a veneer if you clench or grind your teeth, eat very hard foods, or bite into tough things like fishing line or carrots.

To prevent breaking a veneer you should wear a nightguard to protect your teeth from grinding and clenching.  Additionally, you should avoid biting into certain things.  Instead, cut your food into bite-size pieces and chew it up with your back teeth.

There is no way to repair a broken veneer.  The only fix is to construct a new one which typically means having to make the investment again.

Porcelain veneers can de-bond Though uncommon, veneers can sometimes debond.  Since they are simply glued to your teeth, the strength of the bonding agent can wear down over time, or the stress that you put on your teeth can pop a veneer off.

A debonded veneer can often be recemented so if this happens to you, store the tooth in a safe place, and call our dentist to schedule an appointment to have it recemented.


Bonding can stain Bonding material is porous, unlike porcelain veneers.  This means that they pick up stains over time.  Occasionally the stain can be buffed off but having to replace your bonding every few years due to stubborn discoloration isn’t uncommon.

To prolong the life of your bonding you should avoid eating and drinking highly pigmented foods and drink.  For example, blueberries and other red or dark fruits, red wine, and black coffee.


Bonding can chip Just like with veneers, bonding can chip.  In fact, bonding isn’t as strong as porcelain so you’ll need to be extra careful to be gentle if this is the cosmetic procedure that you have chosen to get done.

Prevention is key, so the same tips on how to avoid chipping and breaking a porcelain veneer apply here.


Cosmetic Dentist Near Me

Undergoing a smile makeover is a big decision.  Depending on the treatment, the effects are often permanent and there is a certain amount of upkeep involved. Therefore, it’s important to know what you’re getting yourself into before making this life-altering commitment.

If you’re interested in learning more about how to get the smile you’ve always wanted then come see Sachem Dental Group, our Suffolk County cosmetic dentist.  We’ll gladly see you for a consultation to examine your teeth, hear your concerns and listen to your expectations, and recommend a custom-designed treatment for you.  We look forward to being a part of your smile makeover journey. Give us a call today.