time requirements for dental implant treatment

From start to finish, the dental implant process usually takes about six months to complete, depending on your specific needs. For some, it can be as quick as three months, while for others might require a longer span of eight months.



Your Initial Consultation


During your initial consultation, we’ll take 3D X-rays of the areas in question, to determine if you’re an ideal candidate for dental implants.  If we do conclude that this treatment is a viable option for you, we’ll discuss the process in detail, answer all your questions, go over your timeline, and discuss treatment cost.


Once you decide that you would like to proceed, we’ll move on to the next stage.



The Prep Stage of Implant Placement


The prepping stage is very important because everyone’s treatment is specific to their unique needs. It may be necessary to have certain provisions in place and ready for you in advance throughout the implant process. For instance, we may need to plan for one or more of the following:


  • Temporary Tooth


Some patients are ok with going without a tooth until they reach the restoration phase, while others will need a temporary tooth to fill in the space in the meantime.  Temporaries are typically removable appliances called flippers that look like a partial denture but only contain one or a few teeth.


  • Bone Grafting


Some surgery sites will require an additional bone graft procedure when removing the tooth.  Specifically, when removing a multi-rooted tooth like a molar. We’ll typically place a bone graft in the extraction site at the time the tooth is removed.


Usually, if this is the case, the total timeframe for your complete implant process will be longer because the grafting material needs to integrate with your natural bone.


  • Dental Implant Surgical Guide (Stent)


Dental implant surgical guides and stents are custom templates that are typically made from clear acrylic. The guides are made in advance of your surgery date, based on 3D imaging of the surgical site. Stents are used to help the surgeon position the dental implant in the most ideal location, angulation, and depth into the bone 一eliminating the need for potential guesswork and potentially poor implantation because of how it’s installed.


Tooth Removal


Once all the necessary prep work is in place, you will return to have your tooth extracted.  If a bone graft is necessary, it’ll be performed at this appointment, and if you decided to go with a temporary tooth, we will place that for you as well.



Initial Bone Integration Stage


Bone integration is the biggest reason why the dental implant process takes as long as it does. Having a solid and healthy foundation of bone is crucial for the success of your implant.


Consider this 一 you dig two holes in the ground, pour wet concrete in both, and then place a post in each one.  Imagine if you attached a bench to the posts and starting swinging on it before the concrete was completely set.  What would happen?  The posts would loosen and would eventually fall out and the bench would collapse to the ground.


The same goes for implants and your bone.  Before placing your dental implant, your bone graft and natural bone need to be fully integrated, meaning it is dense enough with the proper height and width to hold the implant in place.  Typically, it takes a minimum of 8 weeks before your bone is integrated enough to support an implant but can take as long as 12 weeks.



Implant Size Determination Via 3D Scan or X-Ray


Once the initial integration time has passed, we’ll take a 3D scan or X-ray to determine if, in fact, the bone is sound enough to support an implant.  The state-of-the-art imagery allows us to measure the bone and select the proper implant for your specific needs. If needed, we’ll instruct an implant laboratory to move forward with designing your implant placement guide.


When all the necessary parts have arrived, you’ll return to place the implant.



Implant Placement Day


Today is a big day! Getting an implant placed sounds intimidating to a lot of people, but when you’re in skillful hands the process is quite simple.  We’ll start by using local anesthetic to numb the area where the implant is being installed, so that you won’t feel any discomfort during the procedure.


Once you’re numb, we’ll create a small opening in your gum and bone to make room for the implant. Throughout the process, we may take some pictures to ensure that everything is being placed as planned. When your implant is in place, you’re good to go and wait out the second bone integration stage.



Implant and Bone Integration Stage


Now it’s time for the actual implant to integrate with the bone.  The implant has threads like what you might see on a screw. Over a period of a about 8-12 weeks new bone will form, fusing to the implant and creating a solid foundation for your restorative tooth.


Please note that some patients may be candidates for same-day implants, in that we remove the tooth and place the implant right away.  This technique is common when removing a front tooth and doing so cuts the bone integration process in half.



Implant Restoration Stage


After a period of time, we will determine via additional imagery that your implant is fully integrated with your bone. At that point, we’ll order your crown to fit over the implant.


This step may consist of taking impressions or using a digital scanner, but typically what we’ll do is remove the covering over your implant, then place a special abutment that extends just past the gum tissue.  We’ll take scans or impressions to fit the crown to this special extension.



Crown Delivery


It can take about two weeks for your crown to be complete. But as soon as it’s ready, you’ll return to our office for the final appointment.  We’ll permanently fit your tooth into place and you’ll be on your way.



Dental Implants in Long Island


For a comprehensive menu of advanced dental services, visit Sachem Dental Group in Suffolk County. We’ve been caring for the patients in this area for over 35 years and look forward to helping you too! Give us a call today.